Get Sound Trax
Get Sound Trax

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MOOD TAG: christmas

Little Drummer Boy

Tony Harmon and Ray Pannell


Away in a Manger

Tony Harmon - On two Guitars


Oh Christmas Tree

Tony Harmon arr. for two guitars


O Holy Night

On two guitars


Silent Night

Tony Harmon plays this Christmas Classic


Silver Bells

Two Guitars


Here Comes Santa Claus/Jingle Bells

On two guitars


Winter Wonderland

Tony Harmon and Ray Pannell


About us

Get Sound Trax is a place for people to upload and download sound tracks, Playlists and license their music for use in YouTube, film and multimedia projects, as mood music for businesses or just to share. Our sound tracks are quality, creative and custom tracks that in many cases include the separate tracks in the downloads.

We embrace the Creative Commons licenses system so artists can price and select how they want their uploads to be downloaded and used and users can relax knowing that they have licenses to use these tracks/trax.

Please include the song title/artist name and/or the link to Get Sound Trax: https://getsoundtrax.com when giving credits.

Get Sound Trax and their Members also provide custom sound tracks per contract. Please use our Contact Form for inquiries.

If you want to upload your tracks then SIGNUP NOW

Please read our Terms of Use and Licensing for complete information on Creative Commons licenses.

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